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Monday 9 July 2012

Importance of Society

In this world we are not alone we affect other people's life. If we think that we are smarter than others, then it is sure that we are living in a lie. If we want society to learn good things, then it is our first duty to have these things in us. If we think that if we can enjoy our life with our society without affecting them, how it can be possible, of course not, because we learn from society and society learns from us, we are a part of society.So if we find a bad person in our society then we shouldn't deny that we ain't responsible for his behavior. We have provided such kind of environment to that person to make him a bad person. So don't hate those peoples just try to solve their problems if you can and if that person also wants to contributes to society, because finally these spaces between you and your society will affect your life. There is no such thing which is present in between us and which was bad when it originated, no it is human who spoils it. In childhood we learn moral science and all that but what happens when we find ourself as an eligible person, who can solve society's problems, but what we do...... we try to escape ... ain't we...? we don't go for that, Why..? Now this is my question what makes us so selfish, what makes us to forget our society, who will be responsible for social imbalance. We often talk about statistics of crime and all. but we don't look at ourself. Of course nobody will take responsibility for them, there is someone who encourages a person to do such kind of offense and that is our problem, we don't care until it affects us,yes we find solutions but actually we never solve that cause, a good nation is always known for it's values and society. There is no religion which is greater than Humanity. Make your society valuable, because it is a mirror which shows your's reflexion....Do something at least as a beginning...