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Tuesday 23 February 2016

How media affects our views

One of our problem is that, the media is not as reliable as we believe. It is playing bad role. Only a few news channel are taking their work seriously. Others are busy in making money. Their main aim is not to report news but attract advertising company, they see profit. In today’s time news media see it from 'Commerce' point of view. This is how young news channels are pumping money by producing 'spicy news'.

This is also about news reporters, they want success and fame in a very short amount of time. They don’t want to wait to become senior news reporter. Because age is not the main criteria, Nowadays criteria has moved to number of re-tweets, likes and shares, now your social profile also matters. A minister is also not supposed to do politics on 'Nationalism', here media is doing this. Public is as usual 'innocent' and trusts whatever they see/hear. They don’t want to know truth, just react - 'Yes, They are all traitors, Kill them'. They know also about paid media. Why they don’t like to wait for court result, actually they have lost trust on constitution.

What is the solution? As Malala says, 'Education is the only solution'. Is it so? Educated people like professors take bribe. This sounds contradictory. Yes, it is a solution. It makes you aware. But we are losing moral values dramatically. Why we don’t think about new ideas. Why about divide and conquer? Why not about progress? Why we are still a developing country? Then, what is the solution?

Morality and humanity is our requirement. This is our seed of development. I strongly feel so. We need wisdom to choose right and wrong. We have large number of people and a lot of problems. Much of these can be solved with a good character and positive attitude towards problems. We need to seriously think about this matter.